Keen's Photos
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
Wild Indigo Duskywing - Erynnis baptisiae - these skippers are quite abundant, especially this year. This is about the best shot I have had of one so far and one of the few on which you can confirm the identification by the small reddish-brown spot on each forewing - start at the leading edge and follow the line of four adjacent white spots and the single white spot and you will find the small reddish-brown one that distinguishes this species from some other duskywing skippers which might also be found at the same times and places. I spent one hour in the hay field outside my door and found more than a half dozen species of butterflies and skippers I could identify plus a couple of skippers and three sorts of day-flying moths that I have not sorted out yet.
Sunday, September 07, 2008

River Otter - Lontra canadensis - swimming in the mill pond at Lenhartsville. I had never seen one in the wild before. They have been a protected species in Pennsylvania for decades, but their numbers and range have been increasing as otters have moved north from Maryland and south from New York into Pennsylvania. An adult male otter may stake claim to a territory encompassing more than a dozen miles of streams, so one ought not to expect to see very many of them.