Friday, October 16, 2009

Hunyady Auction Company - a class act; I've been to two of their sales this year and they organize the goods well, keep the auction moving through the day, and provide excellent assistance loading large items. Each time, I only bought one item, but the experience was quite good and I will be going to more of their sale in the future.
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Blue Jays - Cyanocitta cristata - seven in one frame.
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Common Mergansers - Mergus merganser - females - swimming upstream in the Schuylkill River about half a mile below the Kernsville Dam. There were six adults and one juvenile in the group I saw. At that point the road is perhaps 12 or 15 feet above the river and they kept near the further bank.
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Common Buckeye - Junonia coenia - this will prove to have been among the last butterflies of the season as we are likely to see our first frost before the end of October.
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  Glass is tricky to photograph. Afrer ttying it empty and with some colored paper inside, I finally tried putting coffee in the coffee cup. I've got a bunch of these - they were a promotional item for Nescafe over 20 years ago. Being a map freak, I had to have the whole set including matching creamer and sugar bowl.
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