A Cigar Store Indian about a century ago was the tip off that the store sold cigars. Stylish as his traditional costume may be, the connection to tuxedo rentals and men's suits, the stock in trade at Dietrich's in Hamburg, eludes me.
We had a Dietrich's clothier in Nashville, Illinois when I was a boy. Birds of a feather, you know. Then again, their competition was the Polak on the next block, Borowiak. LOL
We had a Dietrich's clothier in Nashville, Illinois when I was a boy. Birds of a feather, you know. Then again, their competition was the Polak on the next block, Borowiak. LOL
We had a Dietrich's clothier in Nashville, Illinois when I was a boy. Birds of a feather, you know. Then again, their competition was the Polak on the next block, Borowiak. LOL
Trained in economics and environmental science at the University of Virginia, worked in too many political campaigns to count them all, some bureaucrat jobs, construction, energy consulting, and a decade in law enforcement. Currently semi-retired and own a construction equipment rental business.
We had a Dietrich's clothier in Nashville, Illinois when I was a boy. Birds of a feather, you know. Then again, their competition was the Polak on the next block, Borowiak. LOL
We had a Dietrich's clothier in Nashville, Illinois when I was a boy. Birds of a feather, you know. Then again, their competition was the Polak on the next block, Borowiak. LOL
We had a Dietrich's clothier in Nashville, Illinois when I was a boy. Birds of a feather, you know. Then again, their competition was the Polak on the next block, Borowiak. LOL
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