Sightseeing sometimes means sighting things you didn't particularly want or expect to see. This pair of Fruit of the Looms is a case in point. I took a short stroll on the old Pennsylvania Railroad Bridge at Hamburg which is part of the Schuylkill River Trail which will eventually stretch from Philadelphia to Pottsville. I wanted a good vantage point from which to photograph the State Street Bridge which is due to be replaced in a year or two. The new bridge will be shiny and stronger, maybe even wider and safer, but I doubt it will appear as graceful. That's how I cam to look down from the Pennsy bridge near the west bank and saw this unexpected "fruit" hanging on a limb. I leave it to the imagination of others how this sight might have come to be. The scene I prefer to imagine is a bunch of young men somewhat the worse for spirits who propose they have a competition to see who can throw his shorts the farthest from the bridge. When the designated goat takes off his jeans and tosses his shorts into the tree, the others grab his jeans and run away. If this scene turns up in American Pie 3, I expect to be compensated.

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