European Starling - Sturnus vulgaris - brings food to a chick nesting in the exhaust pipe of a Mack truck that has been idle for over a year pending litigation of financial responsibility for an unfortunate encounter with a utility pole.
Case CX330 excavator arrives from Memphis - the latest addition to my rental fleet of construction machines, next week I expect to get my second Caterpillar bulldozer.
Red-Winged Blackbird - Agelaius phoeniceus - female - after so many photos of the brightly marked and highly vocal male of the species, a photo of the female Redwing is long overdue.
Trained in economics and environmental science at the University of Virginia, worked in too many political campaigns to count them all, some bureaucrat jobs, construction, energy consulting, and a decade in law enforcement. Currently semi-retired and own a construction equipment rental business.