Fall foliage at Kernsville Dam provides a beautiful setting for this man fishing from a canoe. Last Thursday was a near perfect autumn day - sunny, afternoon high in the low 60s, and the trees nearing the peak of their colorful display. Left-click on the photo for a full-screen view and note the stone structures on the far shore. These are remnants of the former Schuylkill River Canal that provided a means of transportation for millions of tons of coal, as well as other commodities, between Port Carbon and Philadelphia over nearly a century of operation.
Keen's Photos
Monday, October 27, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008

Whitetail Deer - Odocoileus virginianus - taking flight. While stalking butterflies on the edge of a farm field, I startled two deer resting in a thicket. No time to properly frame a shot - Whitetails can hit 35 miles per hour in a pinch - I just snapped the shutter. This shot isn't very good, but the next one only shows a tail.