Keen's Photos
Friday, May 23, 2008
Monday, May 19, 2008
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Brown-headed Cowbird - Molothrus ater - pair - in a tree on Mountain Road. This is a member of the family Icteridae which also includes the blackbirds and grackles. I spotted one of the more colorful Icterids, a Bobolink, recently; but the photos were not good enough to share, just barely adequate to confirm the species identification.
Auctions are dangerous - I went to one recently and ended up owning three self-propelled concrete buggies. And, I'm not in the concrete business and don't intend to be. But the prices were right. The ride-on unit pictured in the bed of the pickup retails for nearly ten grand and I paid only one. The two walk-behind units at the front of the trailer were an even bigger bargain. Now, all I have to do is re-sell them at a profit.