Friday, May 23, 2008

Fierce Kitty - a typical reaction to the Great Dane's offer to play Chase The Cat. Somehow, the cats don't seem to share Cooper's enthusiasm for that particular diversion.
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Monday, May 19, 2008

Painted Turtle - Chrysemus picta - basks on a rock among Yellow Pondlilies - Nuphar luteum - at Tilden Industrial Park.
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Sunday, May 18, 2008

Canada Goose - Branta canadensis - snoozes standing in the water. This is a popular spot for several species of waterfowl, but on this afternoon the only other water bird on the pond was the Green Heron shown below.
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Green Heron - Butorides virescens - at Tilden Industrial Park.
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Airstream travel trailer on the road - another sign of spring.
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Meadow Fritillary - Boloria bellona - the first of the season for this species. I saw two Eastern Tiger Swallowtails the same day, but I was driving at the time and got no photos of them.
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Brown-headed Cowbird - Molothrus ater - pair - in a tree on Mountain Road. This is a member of the family Icteridae which also includes the blackbirds and grackles. I spotted one of the more colorful Icterids, a Bobolink, recently; but the photos were not good enough to share, just barely adequate to confirm the species identification.
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Mallard drake, tiring of posing for me, takes flight.
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Mallard - Anas platyrhynchos - hen and drake - get about as wet as they can in the trickle of water that is Furnace Creek except after a heavy rain. I'll be watching closely for a clutch of little ducklings soon.
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Auctions are dangerous - I went to one recently and ended up owning three self-propelled concrete buggies. And, I'm not in the concrete business and don't intend to be. But the prices were right. The ride-on unit pictured in the bed of the pickup retails for nearly ten grand and I paid only one. The two walk-behind units at the front of the trailer were an even bigger bargain. Now, all I have to do is re-sell them at a profit.
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Mount Zion Lutheran Church at Krumsville is one of the most imposing ecclesiastical edifices in our area.
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Cute Puppies, and I'm tempted to call; but full-grown one of these dogs will be bigger than my current svelte self.
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Turkey Vulture circling above a tree not yet leafed out was a rather dull subject until I used some basic editing to give it a more dramatic feel.
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Tent caterpillars are one of the less welcome signs of spring. Thankfully, the infestations this season are not very extensive.
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Lemon Lollipop? - No, I think this is an Austin-Healey Bugeye Sprite perched on a pole overlooking I-78 near Fogelsville. This style was a hot item in the late 50s and early 60s. If I ever spot me driving one of these, you'll know I've gone "middle-aged crazy" in a big way.
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Scotty, one of our younger tomcats, lying in the grass. Cats show up better seen at eye level; so, to get this shot, I had to get down on my belly and try to hold the camera steady and focus with my elbows on the ground.
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European Starling - Sturnus vulgaris - turned up here a few weeks ago. Fortunately, they were few in number and didn't stick around. Starlings seem to have a preference for leafy suburbs where they gather by the thousands making a terrible racket and keeping people awake.
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Red-winged Blackbird and Mourning Dove have a brief confrontation before the dove decided to move a bit farther off.
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Like yellow snow - tree pollen covered the area three weeks ago, thick enough to be noticed even on the water behind the old mill dam at Lenhartsville.
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