Keen's Photos
Saturday, August 19, 2006

I was so focused on following the flight of the Great Blue Heron on the left that I didn't notice the one already perched in the tree on right, even when the first one perched about ten feet higher up in the same tree. There was also a third one on this pond that I didn't notice until I blew up and examined a photo of some ducks.
Friday, August 18, 2006

I went out to fix a wiring problem with my DSL line and found this fellow's web in front of the interface box on the side of the garage. I had to tear down a big shunk of its web, but I left the spider alone. There are lots of these spiders around here. At rest they tend to ball up and look a uniform non-descript brown, but when aroused and moving about they show off their true colors.

This Great Blue Heron was very patient and didn't fly away when I set up my tripod and tried to manually focus in the failing light at 7:30 PM yesterday. I used my longest lens at 600mm with a 2x teleconverter. I also used the 2 second shutter delay to minimize shaking. This is not the sharpest or best lit of this series, but I chose it because you can also see there are two ducks near the heron's feet.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Here is one of a pair of Great Egrets I found in a stormwater management pond at the Tilden Township Industrial Park. Also called American or Common Egret, these beauties are only slightly smaller that the Great Blue Herons with which they often roost and feed. I have now seen herons in six area townships and egrets in two.