Friday, November 04, 2005

My liking for wildflowers is a kind of guilty pleasure. I can't help wondering if their appeal is due more to the fact I don't have to tend them than to their inherrent beauty.

Never saw a cloud formation quite like this before.

I've never seen this sort of fly before. The tufts of hair on its backside remind me of Sen. Wm. Proxmire (D-WI) when he got a plug job to try to cure his baldness in time to campaign for re-election about 20 years ago. For size reference, the bolt head above it is 7/8" diameter.

I don't know its name, but this seems the most common sort of butterfly in our part of PA. The intense sunlight bleaches out some of the color here, but the visual impression is of the palest green tinge to the wings with slate blue makings. A very similar butterfly with a pale yellow wing is also common but never sat still long enough for me to capture one on film.

Sort of an X-Files look at a full moon.

The General, woken from a nap on my kitchen floor, greets one of his offspring.

Baling hay on the farm in late summer.

General Lee hunting.

The puppy in profile.

I find it very hard to photograph spiderwebs entirely by natural light, but this one was so large and fresh I had to try. It had rained the day before and on this morning there were three of these webs, all tended by the same sort of spider, within a space of about 50 feet.

Just can't have too many pix of the puppy. Here you see how big his feet are which gives a clue as to how much growing he still has to do.

Two Daddy Longlegs spiders in a long and intense meeting - but are they making love or war? I don't know which, but it is something you don't see everyday.

One of the first Woolly Bear caterpillars of the season in PA. Folklore claims their markings predict the weather for the coming winter.