Thursday, September 29, 2005

I read a story once, long ago, where a man asks what work we could possibly do in heaven and the answer was to take turns painting sunsets. The idea is silly on one level and very appealing on another. It would be wonderful to have even a small role in creating such beauty; but just to have the time to contemplate it at leisure is a great blessing.

This is General Lee taking a nap. He is an outdoor cat, like all the cats on the farm, but I let him in once in a while so he can make sure I have no mice in the house. He looks peaceful, but he has seen his share of trouble; look closely at his ragged left ear.

There's nothing like some tender green grass for a snack as darkness falls. One of the many cows on the farm where I live when I'm in Pennsylvania.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

When people know you like to photograph bugs, they bring you their favorites.

This is Cooper, the puppy next door in Pennsylvania. Here he has stolen a plastic tub which held water for the cats and which is about to become a chew toy. Note how he is giving me the eye and defending his prize.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Waiting for supper.

Friday, September 02, 2005

I'm not sure if this is a Monarch or Queen or Duchess. Look closely and you'll see there's more than one in he picture.

Here is a male cardinal in my yard in SC diving off that limb next to his tail and heading for the food I serve in the grass about twelve feet below.

My Red-bellied Woodpecker in SC with a male Cardinal in flight. Not a very good photo, technically, but an interesting compostion.

I've seen a couple of these in my yard in SC, but I don't know their name.

This colorful spider, about two inches from front foot to back, set up a very large web on the side of the SC house, behind my porch swing.

I believe this blue beauty to be the black form of the female Tiger Swallowtail.

Found this beetle on my garage door in SC one night. The width of the slat it is holding onto is two inches.

Eastern Towhee (on right) in my yard in SC. I apologize for the poor quality of the photo, but it's the best of the lot for this visitor.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Sunset, 22 May 2005, in Windsor Township.

This is a cicada on my screen door in PA. For size reference, that white metal bar on the left is one-half inch at the widest point in the photo.

Primitive sexual practices. My buddy Dave Kauffman took this, but he was using my camera, so I thought I would cheat a bit and post it here.

Who is this little fellow? I can't find him in my field guide.