Black Swallowtail - Papilio polyxenes - female - was the real coup of Tuesday's "safari." I first saw a male of this species a year ago about a mile northeast of the place where I found this, the first female of the species I have seen. I was driving slowly along Strausser Rd. when something large and dark flitted across the road just in front of me. By the time I pulled over and stopped, it was gone, but I walked up and down along the side of the road. When I saw it again, it was flitting madly about in tall weeds. I thought it might be another Red-Spotted Purple from the blue at the rear and overall dark color seen fleetingly from above. Then I got a look at the underside through the 70-300 mm zoom lens and the double row of orange spots and swallowtails made me think it was Spicebush Swallowtail. It was only when I got home and saw a full size view on the monitor that I realized both those guesses were wrong.
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