St. John's UCC in Whitehall has one of the tallest steeples I've ever seen on a relatively small church. This is particularly noteworthy since such architectural exuberance is rather rare for congregations originating among the ethnic Germans of this area. As I have mentioned before, I think, there is not such a sharp distinction between plain and worldly as might be thought by most people whose knowledge of Pennsylvania religious traditions is no deeper than having seen the film Witness. Even among the Amish there is a range of plainness from those who view zippered clothing as worldly to those who can tolerate a telephone in the barn or workshop - for business use only - as plain. There are Mennonites who are nearly as plain as the Amish in their dress but drive cars; the more conservative among them painting over all the chrome in some dark color and earning the nickname "black bumper" Mennonites. And then there are the ELCA Lutherans and UCC who are more thoroughly modern in their personal lives but whose churches tend to simplicity in ornamentation as compared to Catholics and Episcopalians.
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